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Chapter 1 Welcome to the infamous Dead-End Street


Welcome to the infamous Dead-End Street, a chilling haven for all zombies. Here is where every undead creature you've encountered, finds refuge.

This is a place where your own path may lead, if you have ever danced with the undead, as I did.

Among the countless zombies, I only recount those that inflicted the deepest wounds. These insidious creatures crawled into my home, my safe haven, and began to nest. Like termites ready to cause destruction, they are almost impossible to get rid of.

These zombies may have different techniques, but they have the same agenda. They throw their venomous tendrils at their victims, hoping to latch onto their very soul. This serves as a haunting reminder of why we must take drastic measures in order to survive.

Despite the unending cycle of abuse, anguish, and sorrow, these zombies have a way to lure their victims back to this cursed road. Every relationship ultimately will meet its demise, in a final crescendo, at Dead End Street. The undead beings on this path enjoy the emptiness and will reject anyone who comes near.

I refer to these creatures as "zombies" because they exhibit a profound absence of both heart and soul. Others have called them kooky, manipulative, eccentric, demonic, witches, or narcissists.

Regardless of the labels, whatever they are, I am not convinced that they are truly human. They appear to belong to a unique species of their own breed. If these individuals are indeed human, why do they lack the one thing that makes them human, empathy?

Whatever the case may be, it's undeniable that many people have encountered them in various ways, as they are everywhere! Some have the capability to instill deep fear to the depth of your soul, without even making an effort to conceal who they really are. While others use a more subtle approach, which may be more frightening, masquerading as companions before driving you to the brink of madness.

Both types have left their mark, neither proving enjoyable. Family entanglements can be especially challenging.

Reflecting on my past, my romantic odyssey with a charming boyfriend, resulted in marriage at eighteen, was a pivotal misstep in my journey.


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